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How to create a strong password?

The best way to secure your personal data and avoid cyberattacks is to set up a strong password. But can it be also easy to remember? Read more, and you will find out how to figure it out!


How to create a strong password?

Is there a proven way to avoid potential hacker threats and loss of personal data online? Fortunately YES! In addition, we know the answer ->  You will find some proven techniques down below that will help you set up a strong and at the same time easy to remember password on social media and more!

  • Use a password generator – if you don’t sure how strong password should look like, using a password generator might be very helpful. There are a lot of them if you will ask uncle Google. Keep in mind that strong password contains not only letters in different high, but also numbers and specials signs like #%@.
  • Turn on two-factor authentication – this functions provide a better security for your personal accounts. When you log in with two-factor authentication, you will be asked to confirm your identify in two steps. Usually there is an SMS sending on your phone in which you will find a special code needed to finalize logging in.
  • Use different kinds of password – using the same passwords for any site might become a real danger to lost your personal data. Once hacked, can be used for every site that you are logged in. Make sure that you secured all your accounts properly and set up a different password for any account.

Worry about your personal data safety? Don’t hesitate and call the nearest computer troubleshooter for more cybersecurity information. Our team has 25 years of experience in repairing, optimizing and installing security in the computer and network you use. Click here to learn more about the services we offer.

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please contact us at (708) 667-4201.
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